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Social Epistemology of Mathematics Workshop
Like other scientific fields, mathematics is a collective endeavor. Although the social dimension of mathematics has been mostly neglected in the philosophy of mathematics, it has become a central subject of investigation within the so-called philosophy of mathematical practice.
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A History of Discrete Spacetime and a New Approach
Former head of the CLPS, Jean Paul Van Bendegem, has invited David Crouse of Clarkson University, US, to give a lecture on discrete spacetime. - Practical info-
Criticisms of Isaac Newton’s Natural Philosophical Program, 1672–c.1750
According to the old narrative, Isaac Newton’s natural philosophy became widely accepted across Europe in a relatively short time span. Recently, historians of science, philosophy, and ideas have begun to question this narrative.
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Explanation and understanding within mathematics 2
Explanation and understanding are central topics in the philosophy of science. This discipline has made important developments to account for the role explanations play in scientific activities. - Practical info-
Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practices with Jean Paul Van Bendegem
The CLPS will host its fifth Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practices on June, 21-23 with Jean Paul Van Bendegem (CLPS, VUB). The lectures by will take place in the mornings, and will be followed by afternoon sessions with presentations by early career researchers in PMP. - Practical info-
Masterclass & Workshop: Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics
On Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 May, professor Juliet Floyd (Boston University) will be teaching a masterclass on Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics during the morning hours. In the afternoon, there will be presentations of papers. - Practical info-
Hybrid Conference: Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice
The aim of this conference is to investigate the historical, present and future significance and influence of Ludwig Wittgenstein to the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, bridging the gap between both scholarships. - Practical info-
Online Workshop: Virtuous Formalization
This small workshop aims to bring together scholars working on formalization and the usage of formal tools. This includes both reflection on formalizations in general and practical work done in different areas.
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Public PhD defence by Peter van Bergen
"Improvisation, interactivity, instability: artistic transformations", by Peter van Bergen
Date: Friday, February 24, 2023
When: 14:00 - 16:00 followed by a reception (at Bar Pilar)
Where: Promotiezaal D.2.01, VUB, Campus Etterbeek.
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Public PhD defence by Andrew Morris
"Material Ingenuity: John Smeaton's practical methods as an instrument maker, experimental philosopher, and engineer" by Andrew Morris
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2022
When: 14:00 - 16:00 followed by a short reception