Steffen Ducheyne
Steffen Ducheyne (1979) is a Full Professor at the CLPS. He has published widely in the History and Philosophy of Science. He has published in Annals of Science, Archive for History of Exact Sciences, British Journal for the History of Science, Centaurus, Erkenntnis, History and Philosophy of Logic, History of Science, HOPOS, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Journal for the History of Ideas, Journal for the History of Philosophy, Science & Education, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Part A, Synthese, etc. He is the author of “The main Business of Natural Philosophy:” Isaac Newton’s Natural-Philosophical Methodology (Springer, 2012) and the editor of Reassessing the Radical Enlightenment (Routledge, 2017). He is interested in the development of scientific methods from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. He is currently working on the ways in which Isaac Newton’s natural-philosophical work was appropriated in the Dutch Republic from 1687 to 1762.
Profile on Academia: https://vub.academia.edu/SteffenDucheyne
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