Line Edslev Andersen
I work as a part-time postdoc on the project “Collective Knowledge in Mathematics: Proofs, Justification, and Reliability” with Bart Van Kerkhove, Yacin Hamami, and Joachim Frans. My work is on proofs in mathematical practice, publishing practices in mathematics, and collective beliefs in science and mathematics. I have previously worked as a postdoc at the Centre for Science Studies at Aarhus University on the project “The Epistemology of Scientific Publication” with K. Brad Wray. Before then I was a postdoc here at the CLPS. I did my PhD at the Centre for Science Studies at Aarhus University. My thesis was titled “Social Epistemology and Mathematical Practice: Perspectives on Dependence, Peer Review and Joint Commitments” and supervised by Henrik Kragh Sørensen and Hanne Andersen. I have an MA in Philosophy from the University of Copenhagen.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels