Frederik Dhondt
Frederik Dhondt is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre Leo Apostel—Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) working on the project "Changing Tools: An In-Depth Study of the Development of Isaac Newton's Scientific Methodology, and its Impact and Significance" (Strategic Research Programme 61). He obtained his PhD in 2024 at CLEA/CLPS (supervised by Prof. dr. Steffen Ducheyne) with a dissertation on the development of Isaac Newton's method discourse in natural philosophy: "'the province of true philosophy': The Development of Isaac Newton's Natural Philosophical Methodology".
Frederik's current research focuses on the rise of Newtonianism in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. He contends that Newtonianism with regard to methodology and natural theology was not due solely to Newton's philosophical prowess, but rather resulted from a complicated and intricate dynamic of ideas circulating in the period outlined above.
The project falls squarely within the realm of the history and philosophy of science, but it also accommodates many other aspects of Frederik's philosophical interests: early modern philosophy, the history of philosophy, and the history of ideas.
These research interests were shaped during Frederik's education at Ghent University, where he obtained the following degrees in philosophy: Bachelor (2017), Master (2018) and Interuniversity Research Master (2019). His main focus during these years was on philosophy of science, history of science and physics (minor Physics & Astronomy).
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1050 Brussel