Casper Dewit
I am a PhD student attached to the research group RENEW18 that focuses on the responses to Newton’s methodology in early modern philosophy.
My research project is being done under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ducheyne and is centered on the Dutch natural philosopher Nicolaas Hartsoeker (1656-1725). Hartsoeker was a well known philosopher in his time and critically engaged with contemporaries such as Leibniz and Newton. He was however largely forgotten by subsequent generations of philosophers. My study will shed light on this interesting but often overlooked figure and in this way examine the resistance Newton’s philosophy faced during its initial spread.
I obtained my Bachelors (2019) and Master’s degree (2020) from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. My research interests include the history and philosophy of science, Early Modern philosophy, Ancient philosophy and metaphysics.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel